Wound Treatment Center

Ostomy Support

You are not alone

There are approximately 750,000 people with an ostomy in the the United State. This number increases by approximately 65,000 per year. Ostomy surgery is a lifesaving procedure that returns people to better health and full productive lives. 

Life after surgery

You may be worried about how others will accept you and how your life will change following surgery. While there are a few new routines to learn, such as changing a pouch, life after surgery ca be surprisingly normal. Remember, while you can feel the pouch on your body, nobody else can see it. You have the power to decide what you are comfortable sharing with others. You can enjoy the things you did before such as travel, sporting events, and eating at restaurants. 

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Getting Help

While lifesaving, ostomy surgery is also life changing and it can be an emotional experience adapting or adjusting to your new normal. San Juan Regional Medical Center's Wound Treatment Center offers an Ostomy Support Group for patients who have had or will have an ostomy or continent diversion surgery. Family members and caregivers are also welcome to join. 

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